0){ $email = strtolower($_REQUEST['email']); $num = $db->querySingle("SELECT count(email) as num from people where lower(email) = \"$email\""); if($num == 1){ $showSchedule = true; $showMainPage = false; } else { $msg = "Email Address $email was not found as a registered participant."; $msgTitle = "Invalid Email Address"; $panelClass = "panel-warning"; $showMainPage = true; } } elseif( $_REQUEST['chapter'] != "Choose..." ) { $chapter = $_REQUEST['chapter']; $showChapterSelection = true; $showMainPage = false; } else{ $msg = "Please enter either an email address or select a chapter from the pull-down menu."; $msgTitle = "Invalid Input"; $panelClass = "panel-danger"; $showMainPage = true; } } if( isset($_REQUEST['show']) ){ $showMainPage = false; $showSchedule = true; $email = $db->querySingle("SELECT email from people where id = " . $_REQUEST['show']); $email = strtolower($email); } if( isset($_REQUEST['breakoutSelect']) ){ $showMainPage = false; $showSchedule = false; $showBreakoutSelection = true; $showBreakoutSelection2 = false; } if( isset($_REQUEST['updateTitlePhone']) ){ $showMainPage = false; $showSchedule = false; $showBreakoutSelection = false; $showBreakoutSelection2 = true; } if( isset($_REQUEST['saveBreakouts']) ){ $showMainPage = false; $showSchedule = true; $showBreakoutSelection = false; $showBreakoutSelection2 = false; # cellphone, ec, ectitle, title if($_REQUEST['ec'] == "yes"){ $ecTitles = array('GM'=>'Grand Master','GP'=>'Grand Procurator','GMC'=>'Grand Master of Ceremonies','GS'=>'Grand Scribe','GT'=>'Grand Treasurer','CO'=>'Conductor','Pledge'=>'Pledge','AGC'=>'A Greater Cause Chairman','CQ'=>'Champion Quest Chairman'); $title = $ecTitles[$_REQUEST['ectitle']]; } else{ $title = $_REQUEST['title']; } $cellphone = "1" . $_REQUEST['cellphone']; #$ret = $db->exec("UPDATE people set \"b1\"=$_REQUEST[b1], \"b2\"=$_REQUEST[b2], \"b3\"=$_REQUEST[b3], \"b4\" =$_REQUEST[b4], \"b5\" =$_REQUEST[b5], phone=\"$cellphone\", title=\"$title\" where id = $_REQUEST[id]"); $ret = $db->exec("UPDATE people set \"b1\"=$_REQUEST[b1], \"b2\"=$_REQUEST[b2], \"b3\"=$_REQUEST[b3], \"b4\" =$_REQUEST[b4], phone=\"$cellphone\", title=\"$title\" where id = $_REQUEST[id]"); if(!$ret){ $msg = "There was an error while saving your selections. Please try again in a moment. If this problem persists, please contact Michael Benson, Michael.Benson@hq.kappasigma.org for support. Error: "; $msgTitle = "Error"; $panelClass="panel-danger"; } else{ $msg = "Saved your breakout selections. If you would like to modify your selections, please contact your District Grand Master."; $msgTitle = "Breakout Selections Saved"; $panelClass="panel-primary"; } $email = $db->querySingle("SELECT email from people where id = " . $_REQUEST['id']); } if($showMainPage){ $result = $db->query('SELECT distinct chapter FROM people'); $chapters = array(); while($row = $result->fetchArray()){ $chapters[] = $row['chapter']; } sort($chapters); ?>
0){ ?>

Warning: Undefined variable $msgTitle in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 284

Warning: Undefined variable $msg in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 287
Search by your registration email address


The Lone Star Conclave schedule system is being updated. Please check back after 6pm EDT on April 6, 2023 to select your breakout sessions and to confirm your registration.

query("SELECT * from people where id=$_REQUEST[id]"); $me = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); // process phone $mynum = $me['phone']; $newnum = "(" . substr($me['phone'],1,3) . ") " . substr($me['phone'],4,3) . "-" . substr($me['phone'],7,4); $isec = False; $track_titles = array('Grand Master', 'Grand Procurator', 'Grand Master of Ceremonies', 'Grand Treasurer', 'Grand Scribe','A Greater Cause Chairman', 'Champion Quest Chairman', 'Conductor'); if(in_array($me['title'], $track_titles) || (strlen($me['volunteerrole']) > 0 && $me['type'] != "District Grand Master" && $me['type'] != "Alumni Volunteer") ){ $isec = True; if($me['title'] == 'Champion Quest Chairman' || $me['volunteerrole'] == 'Rush Chair' || $me['volunteerrole'] == 'Champion Quest (Rush) Chairman'){ $ectitle = "CQ"; } if($me['title'] == 'A Greater Cause Chairman'){ $ectitle = "AGC"; } if($me['title'] == 'Conductor'){ $ectitle = "CONDUCTOR"; } if($me['title'] == 'Grand Master'){ $ectitle = "GM"; } if($me['title'] == 'Grand Procurator'){ $ectitle = "GP"; } if($me['title'] == 'Grand Master of Ceremonies'){ $ectitle = "GMC"; } if($me['title'] == 'Grand Treasurer'){ $ectitle = "GT"; } if($me['title'] == 'Grand Scribe'){ $ectitle = "GS"; } } // Confirm Mobile number and if a member of the EC, get the correct title. ?>
/var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 379
Cell Phone Number

Please ensure that this is your correct cell number
Will you be graduating in 2023?

Are you a current member of your
Chapter / Colony Executive Committee or are you currently serving as your Chapter / Colony's A Greater Cause Chairman, Conductor, or Champion Quest (RUSH) chairman

query("SELECT * from people where id=$_REQUEST[id]"); $me = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); #Set allowed sessions if($me["type"] == "Undergraduate Initiate" || $me["type"] == "Alumni Volunteer" || $me["type"] == "District Grand Master"){ $allowed = "brothers"; } else{ $allowed = "pledges"; } if ($me["type"] == "Alumni Volunteer" || $me["type"] == "District Grand Master") { $query_where = "(opento like \"$allowed\" or opento like \"all\" or opento like \"alumni\")"; } else { $query_where = "(opento like \"$allowed\" or opento like \"all\")"; } $result = $db->query("SELECT * from rooms"); $roomInfo = array(); while($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)){ $roomInfo[$row['name']] = $row['capacity']; } $myTracks = array(); $myFirm = array(); if($_REQUEST['ec'] == "yes"){ $myTrackStr = $db->querySingle("SELECT ids from tracks where title=\"$_REQUEST[ectitle]\""); $myTracks = explode(",",$myTrackStr); $myFirmStr = $db->querySingle("SELECT firm from tracks where title=\"$_REQUEST[ectitle]\""); $myFirm = explode(",",$myFirmStr); } else{ if($allowed == "pledges"){ $myTrackStr = $db->querySingle("SELECT ids from tracks where title=\"PLEDGE\""); $myTracks = explode(",",$myTrackStr); $myFirm = array(); } } #$result = $db->query("SELECT * from breakouts where (opento like \"$allowed\" or opento like \"all\")"); $result = $db->query("SELECT * from breakouts where $query_where"); $breakouts = array(1=>array(),2=>array(),3=>array(),4=>array()); while($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)){ # Get number of taken seats #$seatsAvailable = $roomInfo[$row['room']] - $db->querySingle("SELECT count(id) from people where b1=$row[id] or b2=$row[id] or b3=$row[id] or b4=$row[id] or b5=$row[id]"); $seatsAvailable = $roomInfo[$row['room']] - $db->querySingle("SELECT count(id) from people where b1=$row[id] or b2=$row[id] or b3=$row[id] or b4=$row[id]"); if($seatsAvailable > 0 || in_array($row['id'],$myTracks) ) { $breakouts[$row['breakout']][$row['id']] = $row; $breakouts[$row['breakout']][$row['id']]['seatsAvailable'] = $seatsAvailable; $breakouts[$row['breakout']][$row['id']]['selected'] = ""; $breakouts[$row['breakout']][$row['id']]['status'] = ""; if(in_array($row['id'],$myTracks)){ $breakouts[$row['breakout']][$row['id']]['selected'] = "checked"; } if(in_array($row['id'],$myFirm)) { $breakouts[$row['breakout']][$row['id']]['status'] = "readonly"; } } } foreach($breakouts as $bid => $row){ $block = False; foreach($row as $bkid => $vals){ if($vals['status'] == "readonly"){ $block = True; break; } } if($block){ foreach($row as $bkid => $vals){ if($vals['selected'] == ""){ $breakouts[$bid][$bkid]['selected'] = "disabled"; } } } } if(count($myTracks) > 0){ ?>
Based on your role, a set of breakout sessions have been selected for you. Some of these selections may be changed while others have been required by your DGM. For the sessions that are not required, we strongly recomend against modifications. Should you have any questions, please contact your DGM.
/var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 588

Warning: Undefined variable $bid in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 597

Warning: Undefined variable $bid in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 597

Warning: Undefined variable $breakoutTimes in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 597

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 597
$row){ ?>
/var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 633
"> /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 634
"> /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 635
"> /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 636
"> /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 637
query("SELECT fname as first, lname as last, id FROM people where chapter=\"$chapter\" order by lname, fname"); ?>
fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC) ){ ?>
query("SELECT * FROM people where lower(email) = \"$email\""); $row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); if(isset($email)){ $districtMeetingRoom = $db->querySingle("SELECT districtmeetings.room || \"
\" || rooms.location || \"\" from districtmeetings left join rooms on districtmeetings.room = rooms.name where district =\"$row[district]\""); } else{ $districtMeetingRoom = " "; } $room = array(); $roomresult = $db->query("SELECT breakouts.id as id, breakouts.room as room,breakouts.title as title,rooms.location as location from breakouts left join rooms on breakouts.room = rooms.name"); #$roomresult = $db->query("SELECT * from breakouts left join rooms on breakouts.room = rooms.name"); while($item = $roomresult->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)){ $room[$item['id']] = array("room"=>$item['room'],"title"=>$item['title'],"location"=>$item['location']); } $room['-'] = array("room"=>'',"title"=>'',"location"=>''); ?>

Personalized Agenda for
Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 704

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 704

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 704

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 704

Select your breakout sessions
You haven't selected your breakout sessions yet! Please to do so.
0){ ?>

Warning: Undefined variable $msgTitle in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 730

Warning: Undefined variable $msg in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 733
8:15 - 9:00a
Eagle Student Services Center 255
9:00 - 9:15a
Roll Call of Districts and Chapters
Eagle Student Services Center 255
9:15 - 9:45a
Keynote Address: State of Kappa Sigma, Martin C. Petersen, WGT
Eagle Student Services Center 255
9:45 - 9:55a
Group Picture
Eagle Student Services Center 255
9:55 - 10:05a
Networking Break / Transfer to next session
Meet 5 Brothers / Pledges from different chapters
10:05 - 10:55a
Breakout 1:
Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 776

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 776

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 776

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 776

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 776

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 777
10:55 - 11:05a
Networking Break
Meet 5 Brothers / Pledges from different chapters
11:05 - 11:55a
Breakout 2:
Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 788

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 788

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 788

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 788

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 788

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 789
12:00 - 1:00p
Lunch with your District and DGM

Warning: Undefined variable $districtMeetingRoom in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 795

1:00 - 1:05p
Networking Break
Meet 5 new Brothers / Pledges from different Chapters
1:05 - 1:55p
Breakout 3:
Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 826

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 826

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 826

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 826

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 826

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 827
1:55 - 2:05p
Networking Break
Meet 5 new Brothers / Pledges from different Chapters
2:05 - 2:55p
Breakout 4:
Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 838

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 838

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 838

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 838

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Undefined variable $row in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Undefined variable $room in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/lonestarconclave.org/html/schedule.php on line 839
2:55 - 3:00p
Networking Break
3:00 - 4:00p
Closing Session
Eagle Student Services Center 255